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MCQ for Class VII

 Here’s a set of 20 Python MCQs designed for class VII students, focusing on the introduction of the Python language:

Python MCQs for Class VII

  1. What is Python?
    a) A type of snake
    b) A programming language
    c) A web browser
    d) A search engine
    Answer: b

  2. Who created Python?
    a) James Gosling
    b) Dennis Ritchie
    c) Guido van Rossum
    d) Mark Zuckerberg
    Answer: c

  3. What type of language is Python?
    a) Compiled
    b) Interpreted
    c) Machine language
    d) Assembly language
    Answer: b

  4. What is the file extension for Python files?
    a) .py
    b) .java
    c) .html
    d) .txt
    Answer: a

  5. What is the output of print(2 + 3)?
    a) 5
    b) 23
    c) 6
    d) 2+3
    Answer: a

  6. Which of these is a correct variable name in Python?
    a) 1name
    b) name_1
    c) name-1
    d) name@1
    Answer: b

  7. What is the correct way to start a Python program?
    a) include <python.h>
    b) begin python
    c) print("Hello World")
    d) main()
    Answer: c

  8. What does the # symbol represent in Python?
    a) A comment
    b) A function
    c) A loop
    d) A string
    Answer: a

  9. What is the output of print("Hello" + "World")?
    a) HelloWorld
    b) Hello World
    c) Error
    d) Hello+World
    Answer: a

  10. Which function is used to get input from the user in Python?
    a) input()
    b) print()
    c) enter()
    d) scanf()
    Answer: a

  11. What is the correct way to write a Python comment?
    a) /* This is a comment */
    b) // This is a comment
    c) # This is a comment
    Answer: c

  12. Which keyword is used to define a function in Python?
    a) func
    b) def
    c) function
    d) define
    Answer: b

  13. What will be the output of print(5 > 3)?
    a) True
    b) False
    c) 5>3
    d) Error
    Answer: a

  14. Which of the following is NOT a data type in Python?
    a) String
    b) Integer
    c) Boolean
    d) Decimal
    Answer: d

  15. What is the output of len("Python")?
    a) 5
    b) 6
    c) 7
    d) Error
    Answer: b

  16. What is the symbol used for multiplication in Python?
    a) x
    b) *
    c) ^
    d) %
    Answer: b

  17. Which of the following is used to import a library in Python?
    a) #include
    b) import
    c) library
    d) using
    Answer: b

  18. What will be the output of print(10 // 3)?
    a) 3.33
    b) 3
    c) 4
    d) 10/3
    Answer: b

  19. Which of the following is a valid Python statement?
    a) print("Hello World!")
    b) Print("Hello World!")
    c) PRINT("Hello World!")
    d) Print[Hello World!]
    Answer: a

  20. Which IDE is commonly used for Python programming?
    a) MS Word
    b) PyCharm
    c) Eclipse
    d) Dreamweaver
    Answer: b

These questions are beginner-friendly and aim to reinforce fundamental concepts in Python programming for young students.

Here are 10 True/False questions for Class VII on the introduction of Python:

True/False Questions

  1. Python is a high-level programming language.
    Answer: True

  2. Python was created by Dennis Ritchie.
    Answer: False

  3. The extension of Python files is .py.
    Answer: True

  4. Python is a compiled programming language.
    Answer: False

  5. The print() function is used to display output in Python.
    Answer: True

  6. Python is case-sensitive, meaning Name and name are treated as different variables.
    Answer: True

  7. In Python, single-line comments are written using the // symbol.
    Answer: False

  8. Python cannot perform addition and subtraction operations.
    Answer: False

  9. The input() function is used to take user input in Python.
    Answer: True

  10. Python is widely used for web development, data analysis, and artificial intelligence.
    Answer: True

These questions provide a basic understanding of Python while keeping them simple and engaging for Class VII student.

Here are 10 Fill in the Blanks questions for Class VII on the introduction of Python:

  1. Python was created by __________ in 1991.
    Answer: Guido van Rossum

  2. The extension of a Python file is __________.
    Answer: .py

  3. The __________ function is used to display output in Python.
    Answer: print()

  4. In Python, a single-line comment starts with the __________ symbol.
    Answer: #

  5. Python is an __________ programming language, meaning code is executed line by line.
    Answer: interpreted

  6. To take input from the user, we use the __________ function in Python.
    Answer: input()

  7. Variables in Python cannot start with a __________.
    Answer: number

  8. The __________ operator is used for multiplication in Python.
    Answer: *

  9. Python is known for its __________ syntax, which makes it easy to learn and use.
    Answer: simple

  10. To check the length of a string in Python, we use the __________ function.
    Answer: len()

These questions cover fundamental concepts and syntax, making them suitable for Class VII students. 

Here are 10 Short Question and Answer examples on the introduction of Python for Class VII:

Short Questions and Answers

  1. Q: What is Python?
    A: Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its simplicity and readability.

  2. Q: Who created Python, and when was it created?
    A: Python was created by Guido van Rossum in 1991.

  3. Q: What is the extension of Python files?
    A: The extension of Python files is .py.

  4. Q: Why is Python called an interpreted language?
    A: Python is called an interpreted language because its code is executed line by line by the Python interpreter.

  5. Q: What is the use of the print() function in Python?
    A: The print() function is used to display output on the screen.

  6. Q: What symbol is used to write single-line comments in Python?
    A: The # symbol is used to write single-line comments.

  7. Q: What is a variable in Python?
    A: A variable is a container for storing data values.

  8. Q: Name two popular uses of Python.
    A: Python is used for web development and data analysis.

  9. Q: Is Python case-sensitive?
    A: Yes, Python is case-sensitive. For example, Name and name are considered different variables.

  10. Q: How do you take input from the user in Python?
    A: We use the input() function to take input from the user.

These questions are concise and focus on fundamental aspects of Python, making them ideal for Class VII students.

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