1. Numbers
Python supports different types of numbers:
- Integers: Whole numbers, e.g.,
- Floating-point numbers: Decimal numbers, e.g.,
- Complex numbers: Represented as
a + bj
, e.g.,2 + 3j
# Integers
a = 10
b = -5
# Floats
c = 3.14
d = -0.76
# Complex numbers
e = 2 + 3j
f = -1j
2. Strings
Strings are sequences of characters enclosed in single ('
) or double ("
) quotes.
# Single or double quotes
name = 'Python'
greeting = "Hello, World!"
# Multiline strings
description = '''This is a
multiline string.'''
# String operations
length = len(name) # Length of the string
uppercase = name.upper() # Convert to uppercase
3. Lists
Lists are ordered collections of items, which can be of mixed data types. They are mutable (can be changed).
# Creating a list
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
mixed = [1, "Python", 3.14, True]
# Accessing elements
first = numbers[0] # 1
last = numbers[-1] # 5
# Modifying a list
numbers[1] = 10 # Change the second element
# List operations
numbers.append(6) # Add element
numbers.remove(3) # Remove element
4. Tuples
Tuples are similar to lists but are immutable (cannot be changed). They are often used for fixed collections of items.
# Creating a tuple
coordinates = (10, 20)
names = ("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie")
# Accessing elements
first = coordinates[0] # 10
# Tuples are immutable
# coordinates[0] = 15 # This will raise an error
5. Dictionary
Dictionaries are collections of key-value pairs. They are unordered and allow for fast lookups by key.
# Creating a dictionary
person = {
"name": "John",
"age": 30,
"is_student": False
# Accessing values
name = person["name"] # John
# Adding/Updating a key-value pair
person["city"] = "New York"
person["age"] = 31
# Removing a key-value pair
del person["is_student"]
# Iterating through a dictionary
for key, value in person.items():
print(key, value)
These data types and structures provide flexibility in handling various programming tasks effectively in Python.
Code Examples with Line-by-Line Explanation
1. Example of Numbers
# Store the price of a product (float)
price = 99.99
print("Price of the product is:", price)
# Store the age of a person (integer)
age = 25
print("Age of the person is:", age)
# Perform addition of two numbers
sum = age + 10
print("Age after 10 years will be:", sum)
Explanation (Line by Line):
price = 99.99
:- एक float value को
में स्टोर किया गया। - यह किसी product की कीमत को दर्शाता है।
- एक float value को
print("Price of the product is:", price)
को स्क्रीन पर दिखाएगा।
age = 25
variable में integer value25
को स्टोर किया गया।
sum = age + 10
में 10 जोड़ा गया और इसका resultsum
में स्टोर हुआ।
print("Age after 10 years will be:", sum)
:- अगले 10 सालों के बाद की उम्र
को स्क्रीन पर प्रिंट किया गया।
- अगले 10 सालों के बाद की उम्र
Price of the product is: 99.99
Age of the person is: 25
Age after 10 years will be: 35
2. Example of Strings
# Store a name
name = "Ajay Kumar"
print("Name is:", name)
# Convert the name to uppercase
uppercase_name = name.upper()
print("Uppercase Name:", uppercase_name)
# Find the length of the name
name_length = len(name)
print("Length of Name:", name_length)
Explanation (Line by Line):
name = "Ajay Kumar"
variable में एक string value को स्टोर किया गया।
print("Name is:", name)
को स्क्रीन पर दिखाने के लिएprint
का उपयोग किया गया।
uppercase_name = name.upper()
method का उपयोग करके string को uppercase (बड़े अक्षरों) में बदला।
name_length = len(name)
function से string की लंबाई (length) निकाली।
print("Length of Name:", name_length)
को स्क्रीन पर प्रिंट किया।
Name is: Ajay Kumar
Uppercase Name: AJAY KUMAR
Length of Name: 10
3. Example of Lists
# Create a list of fruits
fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"]
print("Original List:", fruits)
# Add a fruit to the list
print("After Adding Orange:", fruits)
# Remove a fruit from the list
print("After Removing Banana:", fruits)
Explanation (Line by Line):
fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"]
:- एक list बनाई जिसमें 3 फलों के नाम स्टोर किए गए।
print("Original List:", fruits)
:- Original list को स्क्रीन पर प्रिंट किया।
method से list में"Orange"
जोड़ा गया।
method से list में"Banana"
हटाया गया।
print("After Removing Banana:", fruits)
:- Updated list को स्क्रीन पर प्रिंट किया।
Original List: ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Cherry']
After Adding Orange: ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Cherry', 'Orange']
After Removing Banana: ['Apple', 'Cherry', 'Orange']
4. Example of Tuples
# Create a tuple for coordinates
coordinates = (10, 20, 30)
print("Coordinates are:", coordinates)
# Access the first item in the tuple
first_item = coordinates[0]
print("First item in the tuple:", first_item)
Explanation (Line by Line):
coordinates = (10, 20, 30)
:- एक tuple बनाया, जिसमें तीन नंबर स्टोर किए गए।
print("Coordinates are:", coordinates)
tuple को स्क्रीन पर प्रिंट किया।
first_item = coordinates[0]
:- Tuple के पहले item (index 0) को access करके
में स्टोर किया।
- Tuple के पहले item (index 0) को access करके
print("First item in the tuple:", first_item)
:- पहले item को स्क्रीन पर प्रिंट किया।
Coordinates are: (10, 20, 30)
First item in the tuple: 10
5. Example of Dictionary
# Create a dictionary for a student
student = {"name": "Ajay", "age": 16, "grade": "10th"}
print("Student Details:", student)
# Access the student's name
print("Student's Name:", student["name"])
# Add a new key-value pair
student["hobby"] = "Cricket"
print("After Adding Hobby:", student)
# Update the grade
student["grade"] = "12th"
print("After Updating Grade:", student)
Explanation (Line by Line):
student = {"name": "Ajay", "age": 16, "grade": "10th"}
:- एक Dictionary बनाई जिसमें छात्र का विवरण (name, age, grade) स्टोर किया।
print("Student Details:", student)
:- Dictionary को स्क्रीन पर प्रिंट किया।
print("Student's Name:", student["name"])
:- Dictionary से
key की value को access किया और प्रिंट किया।
- Dictionary से
student["hobby"] = "Cricket"
:- नई key
को value"Cricket"
के साथ जोड़ा।
- नई key
student["grade"] = "12th"
key की value को update किया।
Student Details: {'name': 'Ajay', 'age': 16, 'grade': '10th'}
Student's Name: Ajay
After Adding Hobby: {'name': 'Ajay', 'age': 16, 'grade': '10th', 'hobby': 'Cricket'}
After Updating Grade: {'name': 'Ajay', 'age': 16, 'grade': '12th', 'hobby': 'Cricket'}
Code को Line-by-Line Explain करने से छात्रों को हर एक लाइन का उपयोग और Logic समझने में आसानी होगी। साथ ही Practical Examples उन्हें Coding का Confidence देंगे।
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